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Pick your pricing model

Your business is facing new challenges as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. So we created a pricing model that works with your budget and maximizes your return on investment.


Monthly Retainer

You invest your marketing budget with us each month. You don’t pay any commission % on the sales we help you close.

Retainer + Commission

You invest your marketing budget with us each month. However, you pay us a lower monthly cost, in exchange for a commission % on each sale we help you close.

Commission Only

No upfront investment. You only pay us a % of each sale we help you close.


What We Do

  • SEO Optimization. When a prospective customer searches Google for the products and services you offer, they will find your website.

  • Original Photos. We don’t use stock photos and corny-looking visuals. We shoot and edit photos in-house. Prospective customers will see beauty, personality, and value every time they visit your website. 

  • Original Design. You get an original logo. And your webpages will contain original design elements that make your website beautiful and easy to use.

  • Copywriting. Your webpages will contain writing that articulates your offer in an easy-to-understand way.

  • Blog Posts. We’ll create SEO-optimized blog posts that help your customers find answers to questions and turn you into a trusted expert in your industry.

  • Video. We’ll create a video that brings your offer to life. With video, your prospective customers will get a sense of what makes you the best option in your industry.

  • Mobile Optimization. Your website will look great on a mobile device, and it will load quickly, too.

  • Pay-Per-Click Advertising. We’ll manage your pay-per-click advertising campaigns.

  • Email Automation. We’ll help you build relationships with prospects & customers through the power of email automation sequences.

  • Scheduling Automation. Prospects & customers can schedule appointments with you — from anywhere, at any time, on your website.

  • Content-assisted sales. We create a custom prospect list. Then we send a personalized video message to every prospect on the list, one by one, via email.

  • Google My Business profile management. We’ll create/optimize your GMB listing. Upload photos and videos. Post weekly on your profile and give you monthly reports. You can cancel at anytime.


Custom Projects

We offer custom projects so we can be flexible with your marketing budget. Here is what you can expect when you partner with us for a custom project:

  • You tell us your challenges & goals.

  • Together, we set the scopes on a custom project, one that addresses your challenges & goals.

  • Then we deliver you an awesome custom project.


What to expect when you partner with us

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Before we start any partnership, we’ll spend time getting to know you, your family, and your business. We’ll use this time to make sure we’re a perfect fit, both personally and professionally.




You’ll tell us the most ambitious goals floating around inside your head — and the outcomes you desire for your business. Based on your goals & desired outcomes, we’ll document SMART goals. These Smart goals will create the roadmap for your success.

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We’ll study your business, industry, and competition. If appropriate, we’ll speak with your customers and gather insights that don’t appear on computer screens. In addition to market research, we’ll audit your SEO and existing content, and analyze the available data relevant to your business.  By the end of our research, we’ll understand your target customer and, most importantly, how to lead them to your products and services.




Now it’s time to create a content marketing strategy that resonates with your target customer and addresses the unique challenges they face. Motivated by research and data, we’ll create a blueprint which outlines, in very specific detail, the creative choices we’d like to make on behalf of your business. Of course, every creative choice we make will be approved, and influenced by, you.

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With a well-researched content strategy in place, we’ll create the videos, blog posts, pictures, memes, gifs, graphics, and podcasts used to market your products and services - in a way that will inform, entertain, and build trust with your prospective customers and current customers, compelling them to take action.




After we create your content, we’ll publish it across your Website, Social Media accounts, Email Marketing Campaigns, PPC campaigns — and wherever else you find appropriate. In addition to publishing content, we’ll create and manage your PPC campaigns. And If you don’t have a website, don’t worry, we’ll develop one for you.

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Outreach &

Building links from high-authority websites relevant to your industry will increase the visibility of your website and get your products and services in front of more people on Google. With that being said, we’ll reach out to the websites, publications, and journalists relevant to your industry, and discover what opportunities are available for you.




We’ll create a visual data report, tracking the impact your marketing campaigns are having on the bottom line, as well as the improvements that can be made in the future. You’ll receive this data report every month, and you can use it to track the SMART goals that were set.

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According to McKinsey & Company, the worldwide management consulting firm headquartered in New York City, “Companies that invest time and energy focusing on activating insights rather than just generating them have the greatest success.” In simple language, this means that analyzing data will not make your business more profitable — unless you do something actionable with that data.

At Ouster Marketing, our job is to make your business profitable today and far into the future. To accomplish this, we’ll forever be analyzing data and using it to make improvements upon your content marketing campaigns. Our insights, based on research and data, will inform every marketing tactic we use to grow your business. This means everything is set to change, including this step-by-step process you’re reading right now. There is no such thing as “best practices.” Technology is rapidly changing, and we have to change with it.